Resource Centre

Griffin Press customer portals
Griffin Gold ordering portal
Access to our online costing and ordering tool for established partners.
InSite customer portal
Access to our web based prepress workflow to upload files.
Useful guides and templates
Guidelines for Designers
Prepare your files in a manner that will allow us to move your project through the production process as smoothly as possible.
Guide to Book Formats and Cover Templates
Using standard formats can maximise the efficiency of the production process and save you money.
Guide to Book Architecture
Ensure your book is professionally constructed and market ready.
Guide to Checking Text Proofs
Check the density, content positioning, fonts and bleeds to ensure your book is print and market ready.
Guide to Checking Cover Proofs
The colour in our proofs may vary to your file as our proofing device is calibrated accurately to our printing presses.
Glossary of Book Printing Industry Terms and Paper Terms
Here are all the buzz terms you need to know.